To make the largest Indonesia Commerce event for merchants/online sellers/social sellers. This will be the One Destynation for merchants to connect with the ecosystem and grow their businesses. Hundreds of Curated Indonesia Local Supplier to be presented in one location for Local Retailers to source in the most efficient way.

This is the most direct and straightforward way for the government to receive the voices and interests of the business world and its over 100 stakeholders, and to solidify its influence with them. First hand experience to understand what is happening in Today’s Digital landscape of UMKM Indonesia from Key Trends of the Consumer Behaviour, Use-cases, Categories, Applications, Technologies or even their cost structures.

This event also can give opportunities to conduct training, coaching and education to UMKM regarding latest Government related Policies and Objectives by organizing related seminar and events on the side.One of very important objectives to lift up our UMKM capabilities is to provide more information and direct access to capital from this ecosystem where Financial Industries can have closer understanding of Indonesia Merchant and Brand communities with Speed Dating program events on the side.

More importantly, This could be the first time >50,000 active merchants from all over Indonesia can meet in person with their stakeholders in this industry including Government, Marketplaces, Logistics, Social Media, Payments and all other service providers where they generally have no access in their day to day operations. We are bridging the gap of information from UMKM and Providers in the most efficient and vivid way. (This part for the Ecommerce Ecosystem).


29-31 August 2023


Ice BSD Hall 3-3A